Preschool - Monkey Classes

3-4 Year Olds - 2-3 Days a Week/ Sept-June

2-day option Tues/Thurs 9:15-11:45
3-day option Mon/Wed/Fri 9:15-11:45

Preschool classes continue the introduction to a classroom environment with group stories and music, rhythm and instruments, art exploration, introduction to math, science, literacy, and technology centers, making new friends, and plenty of learning through play. Teachers skillfully plan activities that introduce number sense and alphabet awareness with the introduction of the Zoo-Phonics curriculum; activities that build self-confidence and self-help skills; activities that promote strengthening motor skills and activities that allow children to model what others are doing. Children are given many opportunities to make positive choices with necessary teacher guidance. The 3-day preschool class will allow for increased opportunities for independent growth and practice in an early learning environment. This class is a good fit for kids who show the stamina to be in school for more time and kids who plan to attend a 4 or 5-day class the following year.

The child must be 3 years old by Aug 31, 2025, to enroll in a Monkey Preschool class.